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About Us


Do you want to discover the farthest east land of Russia, who meets the sunrise first? Contact "Sunrise Tour" and you will be able to plunge into the unspoiled virgin nature of our island.

Unique corners of Sakhalin nature will fill your soul with delight and vitality, will help to disconnect from the problems and worries of everyday life, will give the joy of union with the beauty of the surrounding world.

You will discover the amazing fauna of the island, smell the aromas of giant herbs and flowers, enjoy fishing on the banks of a picturesque river, and take away with you as a memento small pieces of Sakhalin amber, keeping the warmth of your hands.

We will acquaint you with the traditional way of life of Russians, Ukrainians, Koreans, and aborigines of Sakhalin — the Nivkhs and Oroks, with the way of life of townspeople and residents of the island's countryside. You can visit a Sakhalin dacha and warm up in a Russian bathhouse.

We are ready to open for you any page of the cultural life of our region — museums and exhibitions, historical sites and concerts, traditional national holidays, sports competitions, Russian folk songs, dances, games, fun, and rituals.

You will taste unique dishes of crab, sea urchin, trubach, and other seafood, as well as any dishes of Russian, Korean, Japanese, or European cuisine.

Sunrise Tour is a multi-profile tour operator of outbound, inbound and domestic tourism, registered in the federal register of tour operators of the Russian Federation. For 20 years we have been welcoming tourists from Japan, Taiwan, Indonesia, Germany, the USA, and other countries to Sakhalin. Most of our guests are travelers from Japan.

Among the regular partners who trust us are dozens of foreign companies.

Sunrise tour Ltd. provides a full range of services for guests:

  • - visa support,
  • - transfers,
  • - accommodation in hotels of any level,
  • - comfortable transportation for travel,
  • - catering,
  • - sightseeing service,
  • - translation services.

We organize both group and individual tours.

Extensive experience of employees, regular improvement of knowledge and skills, participation in seminars, foreign internships, professional trainings and international exhibitions - this is a guarantee of a high level of service and efficiency in working with partners and tourists, both in preparation and during the entire tour.

We offer all possible types of tours on Sakhalin:

  • - environmental,
  • -cultural and historical,
  • - fishing,
  • - skiing,
  • - gastronomic,
  • - ethnographic,
  • - business-tours,
  • -tours for cruise tourists,
  • And etc.

Our company has successful experience in organizing INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS

For example, in 2018 we organized and implemented a project of planting a cedar grove on Sakhalin by teachers and students of the Japanese University "Gakushuin" and Sakhalin State University, as part of the mission "ECOPLANET EARTH".

In addition to Sakhalin, we are pleased to offer your tourists a trip to the Primorsky, Khabarovsk, Kamchatka Territory

We are ready to give you detailed information about each of our itineraries or compose a tour according to your wishes. We guarantee you safety, comfort and high level of service.
We will touch hearts, and the breadth of our countrymen's souls will remain forever in the memory of visitors to our region!

Welcome to Far East of Russia!


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